Online workshop “Commercial communication and relation management''

An online workshop taught by Bouwien Janssen (director SWOL/University Fund Limburg).

When: Thursday 14 January 2021, 16.00-16.45
Where: Zoom (you will receive the invitation link via email)

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You are obviously interested in community-engaged research. Maybe you already have a new research design in mind. But... what if you lack the financial resources for your project?

Asking individuals and companies to donate to your research can be an alternative way for funding. Whom do you target? What is the best way to approach them? And which (preparation) steps are important?

In this practice-oriented presentation, Bouwien Janssen, director of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL, will tell you more about approaching donors (with a strong focus on companies). She will share insights, tips and her own experiences. After Bouwien’s lecture, you will be well prepared to ask the Big Giving Question!