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  • Online meeting: (How) can we move our community-engaged research online? PART II

    Tuesday, 30 June 2020

    The summary of the first part of the online meeting on 28 May can be accessed here.

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    Online meeting: (How) can we move our community-engaged research online?

    28 May 2020

    How do you create a comfortable and safe online environment for interviewees in a research context? What are the implications for the results of moving your research online? What are the positive sides of conducting community-engaged research online? These and more questions were discussed during an online gathering hosted by the Maastricht Platform for Community-Engaged Research. The meeting aimed to allow participants to address questions that they have encountered when doing community-engaged research online and to learn from each other. The event was attended by a diverse group of researchers, support staff, and a few students, all interested or involved in doing community-engaged research.

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    Public Engagement Project Management: Engagement with Impact

    by Nikolaos Alexandros Theodorou, Alumnus, MSc International Business

    Reflecting on the series of three Public Engagement Project Management workshop sessions organised hosted by Dr Sophie Morris, I feel more confident in my ability to develop a strategy and monitor my future Public Engagement projects. I feel lucky to have had the chance to step into other people’s shoes and experience their aspirations and challenges concerning public engagement.

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    Introducing Alan Irwin lecturing on Science, Citizenship and the Public Value of the University

    Maastricht 20 February 2020

    What should the role of the university be in society? Combining his scholarly expertise in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and his experience from serving as the dean of three different academic institutions, Alan Irwin discusses challenges universities are facing nowadays. How to reconcile their origins as national institutions with functioning in a global context is just one example. Irwin argues that traditional oppositions in the way universities view their mission in society – such as “freedom fighters” vs “social engineers”, no longer work. Current concerns in and about academic institutions require new directions that encompass traditional values and embrace new views on citizenship and public value. In this respect, citizen science, Irwin argues, deserves our particular attention.

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    Intervention mapping: Nothing for us, without us

    By Sueli Brodin, MPCER team member

    Workshop Impactful Research through Intervention Mapping (MPCER)
    Held 15 January 2020, 12.30-15.30
    Prof. Rob Ruiter and Prof. Kai Jonas-
     Intervention Mapping Team in Maastricht

    Kai Jonas: Professor of Applied Social Psychology, project: LGBT diversity and health
    Rob Ruiter: Professor of Health and Social Psychology, co-author of “Intervention Mapping” (5th edition to appear in 2021)

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